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Laura Redden, RN

Program Director

606-324-7181 Ext. 261

WIC is a free program for Women, Infants and Children that helps families who have nutritional needs.

WIC provides special supplemental food for these families. The program is funded by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture.

WIC – Women, Infants and Children Supplemental Food Program

Program Information

Our agency is currently providing WIC services to 1,440 participants. WIC is a nutrition program that helps pregnant women, postpartum women, breastfeeding women, infants from birth to age one (1) and children to age five (5). WIC provides nutrition education counseling, breastfeeding information, nutritious foods and help to access other health care services during important times of growth and development.

To be eligible for WIC services participants must be at nutritional risk and meet income guidelines of 185% of poverty level or below or is Medicaid eligible and be a resident of Kentucky. Benefits are issued and redeemable at approved local groceries. For more information on income guidelines or foods provided, visit the WIC website at or call us at 325-2192.


Ashland-Boyd County Health Department, 2924 Holt Street, Ashland, KY   41101



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